Streak Collection

Streak Collection - Avogadro's Lab Supply
Streak Collection - Avogadro's Lab Supply
Streak Collection - Avogadro's Lab Supply
Streak Collection - Avogadro's Lab Supply
Streak Collection - Avogadro's Lab Supply
Streak Collection - Avogadro's Lab Supply


SKU: 2361

Streak is the color of a mineral in its powdered form. The color of a minerals streak may be quite different from the color of the mineral itself. Streak is a reliable tool for mineral identification.
  • This collection demonstrates the streak property with 8 rock specimens each approximately 1.5 x 1.5" in size and a ceramic streak plate
  • Each specimen is keyed for identification

  • Hematite, Graphite, Pyrite, Siderite, Magnetite, Hematite, Limonite and Galena