North American Rock Collection

North American Rock Collection - Avogadro's Lab Supply


SKU: 2211

The North American Rock Collection contains 50 specimens representing each of the rock groups found on the North American Continent.
  • The set is housed in a compartmentalized collection box and each 1 x 1 " specimen is keyed for identification
  • The key also includes useful information regarding the name and properties of each specimen
  • Igneous: Syenite, Granite, Pegmatite, Andesite, Tuff, Dacite, Diorite, Rhyolite, Pumice, Carbonatite, Breccia, Obsidian, Monzonite, Vitrophyre, Basalt, Porphyritic, Granodiorite, Gabbro, Anorthosite, Scoria, Trachyte
  • Sedimentary: Coqquina, Conglomerate, Siltstone, Sandstone, Rock Salt, Oil Shale, Limestone, Coal, Arkose, Gypsum, Shale, Breccia, Tufa, Dolomite
  • Metamorphic: Gneiss, Slate, Hornfels, Schist, Amphibolite, Serpentinite, Quartzite, Phyllite, Anthracite, Marble