Drierite Indicating Desiccant 6 mesh

Drierite Indicating desiccant is anhydrous calcium sulfate impregnated with cobalt chloride. It is blue when dry and changes to pink upon absorption of moisture. The color change is pronounced and clearly visible. Drierite desiccant is an all purpose drying agent for the efficient and rapid drying of air, industrial gases, refrigerants, organic liquids and solids. For the drying of liquids, Drierite instantly absorbs 6.6 weight percent water by chemical action, yielding the hemihydrate CaSO4 . 1/2H20. For the drying of gases, it has a water capacity of 10 to 14 weight percent. This increased capacity is due to combined chemical and capillary action. Drierite granules have 38% pore space volume, which accounts for the additional capacity